Emblem of the Sydney Olympic Games
Emblem of Sydney Olympic Games
Name:Emblem of Sydney Olympic Games Sport:

Emblem of the Sydney Olympic Games

Green development and environmental protection are the two most profound impressions that Australia has left on all people, as evidenced by the emblems of the two Olympic Games held in the country in 1956 and 2000 respectively. The emblem of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, known as the Millennium Athlete, represents the figure of an athlete heading to the new century. It is easy to tell from the emblem that the Olympic torch drew aspiration from the silhouette of the Sydney Opera House while the boomerangs and suggestions of the sun and rocks were transformed into the head, hands, and abdomen of the athlete. Colors on the emblem are also highly symbolic: the blue harbor, the yellow sun and beaches, and the red interior invoke the unique Australian landscape and its original culture.